Our Background

A little bit of my background story and how this business came about.

I had a very troubled childhood and teenage years finding myself in situations that caused much distress. I found myself homeless and living in squats in my late teens and sitting in tube stations, begging for help and food.

I managed to turn it all around thanks to my nan and the inheritance she left me. I found a job and somewhere to live, I learned to ride a bike and bought a small runaround and started to rebuild my life.

I had my first Child in my mid 20s and found that I couldn’t afford child care. I fell into a depression which brought a great deal of underlying issues to the surface. I did a lot of inner work, using crystals and essential oils and managed to overcome these feelings and move on with life.

I tried many avenues to try and improve my financial state but never really seemed to get anywhere, feeling knocked back with everything. I fell into another depression for quite a long time. I qualified in aromatherapy and reflexology in my late 20s, opened a salon which all went belly up within the first year and I had to declare bankruptcy. I started working for the NHS.

It took a long time but I have fully recovered, and used many of the products you see to help me. The anxiety and Depression blend really does help. The haemorrhoids Relief is the only thing I use these days. I have arthritic joint pain in my neck, I only use the cream to manage the pain.

By using the blends on myself, I found them highly effective and decided to l create these products and share them.

I will share more stories with you in another post.

Thanks for reading 🙂

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